1st animation video platform for seniors: "Learning is fun".

Turnkey videos and micro-videos with no constraints
Residences, Ehpads that follow us, their elders and their families
New videos every month (quizzes, memory and cultural workshops, educational games, etc.).

Plaisirs d'antan TV is the first subscription-based video-on-demand offering 100% for seniors. It is aimed at all professionals working with seniors in independent living residences, ehpads, ccas, etc., as well as home helps and private individuals. Learning while having fun (memory workshops, cultural workshops, writing-reading workshops, quizzes, illustrated books, educational games, etc.), all these video animations to be seen on plaisirsdantantv have been tested with face-to-face and distance learning groups, carefully selected by professionals with the aim of having fun while developing cognitive functions (visual and auditory memory).

"Our Plaisirs d'Antan TV platform was designed to be easy to use. After a warm visit to the VOD Factory offices, we were convinced that their extremely fun solution would be our ally in creating the first streaming platform aimed at seniors. VOD Factory helped us build our project, providing us with relevant strategic advice in the period following the launch. Today, we're very excited to be able to count on a customer service that listens."
Nolwenn, host at Plaisir d'Antan TV

Intergenerational video entertainment

In contact with senior citizens, the designer's aim was to transmit memories, exchange and share. The platform differentiates itself from other players by offering content that is as free of constraints as any other application, i.e. no paper, no pencil and no manipulation. (No fear of pressing the wrong key.) Short videos (around 15 minutes at several levels).

A unique and diversified catalog

Turnkey workshops tested and appreciated by hundreds of participants. A program of activities within everyone's reach, without ever infantilizing anyone. We offer new workshops every month, often for the first time, and nearly 500 videos and micro-videos are available.

A platform available on all screens

To suit every need, all "video" animations can be viewed on any screen. Computer, tablet, cell phone, using an overhead projector to broadcast and animate workshops on a large screen, etc. Whether you're a professional or an individual, choose your best medium!

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